
Experience children's playground safety with ParkZapp

How often should playground equipment be inspected?

Parks & Playgrounds must be designed accordingly so that all the Equipment must withstand the constant abuse by the kids. Routine checks of parks will help keep the communities safe. Inspections can be done weekly, monthly, or even once in 6 months, depending on the usage, location, etc. Conducting Annual audits for Equipment is ideal to avoid playground injuries. Two different types of inspection.

  • Safety Inspection
  • Routine Inspection

In safety inspection, a qualified expert identifies the wear and tear for the equipment using the checklist provided by the safety authorities. They also conduct inspections to determine the mechanical issues caused by rough weather, vandalism, and misuse. Several other checks help to find out the defective parts. Upon finding such cases, the expert is supposed to document the same and take necessary actions to replace it asap.

Routine inspections are recommended to discover littering or debris issues, such as garbage or even broken glass, playground sand or mulch that needs to be changed, problems caused by weather to avoid injuries.

To keep communities safe, ParkZapp offers a user-friendly and customizable Park inspection application integrated with CPSC, CSA & ASTM standards for inspecting playgrounds, sports fields, buildings, Ice arena, splash pads, sidewalks, and customized inspections.

evaluate park equipment and make the park a worry-free environment.
ParkZapp makes children's playtime enjoyable and safe.